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Posts tagged "Training/Nutrition"

Everything you need to know about eating Breakfast at Tournaments!

Everything you need to know about eating Breakfast at Tournaments!
Every ultimate player opens their eyes (at an ungodly hour) on the Saturday and Sunday mornings of tournaments with the same question: what am I going to have for breakfast?

Hold on, they don’t? Just us dietitians?

Well, they should!

While breakfast will not make or break your tournament performance, it’s not something to be dismissed either. We all know players who don’t eat or drink a single thing except water and perform admirably, just like we all know players that cannot function unless they’re properly nourished. Both are listening to their bodies, and that’s what matters!

6 Great Bodyweight Exercises for Strength and Stability specifically for Ultimate athletes

6 Great Bodyweight Exercises for Strength and Stability specifically for Ultimate athletes

Not everyone has a home gym, and in the present climate not everyone has access to a regular gym. This presents a distinct challenge when it comes to strength training, making it difficult to increase mass and stability, but even with no weights or machines you can still stay fit and build muscle. We sat down with JP Riopel from Specifik Ultimate to get some tips on how to train using just the weight of your body, as well as some exercises you can try yourself. Most of these exercises can be found in our IGNITE Program if you are looking for further at-home training.

5 Best Snacks to Help Your Body Recover

5 Best Snacks to Help Your Body Recover
Proper recovery habits will help you get your muscles ready for the next workout as fast as possible. Proper cooldown and rollout methods will help a lot with getting you back to 100%, but you may be surprised to know that eating properly after exercise can impact your recovery.