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Zellema Mot: BE Healthy

Zellema Mot: BE Healthy

BE Ultimate sponsored athlete

BE Healthy

Zellema Mot

by BE Ultimate



natural athlete focused on ultimate for years, Zellema Mot found the pandemic shut down not only her competitive outlet, but in many ways her social life as well. It was a lesson in appreciation for the people within her bubble, and those who stayed in touch. With so many of her friends also being teammates, the sudden shift from being an ultimate player to being an athlete was distinct and tough to wrap her head around. But always keen on activity and movement, Zellema took to the gym with a passion, taking up a program that has her in the gym six days a week. The gym has proven to be an avenue back to socializing with the team, as teammates from the newly christened Red Flag based in Vancouver have been following the same program.

“It’s good to have someone that’s on the same page as me when it comes to getting in shape, and it’s frisbee, so it really motivates me to keep going.”

The gym isn’t the only way Zellema has found to spend her time. Like many ultimate players, she started consistently playing disc golf. It’s proven to be a good solo activity for maintaining her relationship with the frisbee, and has been a surprisingly profitable endeavor. Along with disc golf, Zellema has taken up (normal) golf and tennis, outdoor sports that have kept her competitive and moving while the pandemic rages on. The time away from the ultimate field has given her clarity into the sport she loves, mainly that there’s a world outside of it. For someone who was used to living and breathing the disc, it was a big step to realize it’s okay to not always be thinking about ultimate. For Zellema, she was able to pivot her love of activity and sport into trying new ones, and hitting the gym.

“I’ve been trying a lot of new sports, individual sports like tennis and golf. Those sports feel like what I want to retire into when I get older. I’m not the type of person to enjoy going to the gym, but with the pandemic it’s made me appreciate going to the gym, it’s filled the void of what I was missing with ultimate. It’s a lifestyle for me now.”

That’s not to say she doesn’t have big aspirations once tournaments are back on, though. Zellema plans on taking her new team to impressive heights, hoping to take them all the way to a championship. Not only that, but Zellema is looking to take a shot at the World Games along with her twin sister Collefas. Also with her sister, Zellema wants to move closer to Vancouver, as the two ultimate players feel cut off from much of the community, and the pandemic has provided an opportunity to save some money to put toward the move. 

“I just want to be at the top of my game, both mentally and physically.”

More than anything, Zellema is laser-focused on being in the best mental and physical shape she can be. The advice she offers to up-and-coming athletes is to focus on the gym while you can, as there’s a point where natural talent won’t be enough and you don’t want to be surprised by that. Work on yourself to improve your skills and prevent injuries so that you can be the best athlete you can be. Zellema feels as though she’s the fittest she’s ever been, the long hours in the gym paying dividends, and that she has grown a lot mentally since the lockdowns began. That’s not to say the growing is done, and Zellema is always looking to improve and compete. With a lot of hard work behind her and some more ahead, Zellema is set to take the field as a force to be reckoned with. 

“I don’t see ultimate as my motivation anymore. I just see me being healthy as an athlete. I like to be healthy and active, and going to the gym replaces the feeling ultimate used to give me. Ultimate is not always on my mind anymore when it comes to motivation. It’s weird, but it’s nice.”


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