B-Corp Certified Action Plan: Update 1

Over the past few months, we have started the process of becoming B-Corp certified. Here is an update on our ventures.
Revenue Donated
This is something we have been doing for years but without a structured plan. Over the last few months, we have thought hard about and put together a plan that not only mandates us to donate a percentage of revenue every year but also requires that we do it in a way that empowers our clients.
By allowing our clients to choose which non-profits and charities the funds are donated to, we are able to leverage our tools, websites, and processes to create an actionable path for those looking for ways to contribute to movements that create positive change. Further, by allowing our clients to choose the charities we donate to, we are able to get more money into the hands of organizations that can do the most good with those funds. Larger charities that serve broader regions (where we would have donated our funds if we as a company had chosen), generally have higher administration costs and more bureaucracy, meaning less money on the ground working for the change we set out to create. For the past couple of months, we have been reaching out to clients and creating donation-matching fundraisers through our online stores.
We have doubled and donated all profits from these fundraisers. This was a great opportunity to leverage our online store platform and our renewed structure for donation revenue, allowing us to align our values with our customers and donate to localized charities that directly affect our clients.
Here are some of the teams and their charities:
대한적십자사 (Korean Branch of the Red Cross)
London Clapham
Show Racism the Red Card
San Francisco Fury
Planting Justice
Boston Wild Card
Transgender Emergency Fund of Massachusetts
Raleigh Ring of Fire
Raleigh Phoenix
Vancouver Furious George
Hogan's Alley Society
Maja's Education Project CIC
Ottawa Phoenix
Black Lives Matter Canada
As we grow, we will continue to stay aware of our impact and ensure that our strategies and business decisions align with social and environmental consciousness.
2% of our annual revenue has been (and will continue to be) donated.
Supplier Code of Conduct | Chemical Reduction Methods | Supplier Diversity Policies or Programs |
% of Employees Paid Individual Living Wage | Workers from Chronically Underemployed Populations | Corporate Citizenship Program |
Governance Structures | % Above the Minimum Wage |
Charitable Giving
Professional Development Policies and Practices | Compensation Policies and Practices | % of Revenue Donated |
Independent Contractor Practices | Community Investment Policies and Practices | % of Reusable/Recyclable Materials |
Virtual Office Stewardship | Subsidized Educational Opportunities | % of Environmentally Preferred Input Materials |
Environmental Management Systems | Employee Handbook Information |
Surveying and Benchmarking Engagement and Attrition
Managing Impact of Transportation | Paid Secondary Caregiver Leave | Programs to Reduce End of Life Waste |
Monitoring and Reporting Non-hazardous Waste | Number of Paid Days Off | Paid Primary Caregiver Leave for Salary Workers |