B-Corp Certified Action Plan

As promised, we have laid out a plan to be as transparent as possible as we continue our commitment to becoming B-Corp certified. The goals we have referenced are a guideline for us to be a more socially conscious company so that we can have a better impact on our community and world. As we learned about the steps to becoming certified, we continued to look for additional areas of opportunity. This list of goals comprises not only the certification requirements but also additional areas we would like to improve.
Over the next few months, we will provide blog and visual updates on our B-Corp certification status. Always improving. Never settling.
Supplier Code of Conduct | Chemical Reduction Methods | Supplier Diversity Policies or Programs |
% of Employees Paid Individual Living Wage | Workers from Chronically Underemployed Populations | Corporate Citizenship Program |
Governance Structures | % Above the Minimum Wage |
Charitable Giving
Professional Development Policies and Practices | Compensation Policies and Practices | % of Revenue Donated |
Independent Contractor Practices | Community Investment Policies and Practices | % of Reusable/Recyclable Materials |
Virtual Office Stewardship | Subsidized Educational Opportunities | % of Environmentally Preferred Input Materials |
Environmental Management Systems | Employee Handbook Information |
Surveying and Benchmarking Engagement and Attrition
Managing Impact of Transportation | Paid Secondary Caregiver Leave | Programs to Reduce End of Life Waste |
Monitoring and Reporting Non-hazardous Waste | Number of Paid Days Off | Paid Primary Caregiver Leave for Salary Workers |